Tips to Rein in a Spend Thrift Wife/Husband

2. Mind-set matters:
Mind set
You cannot tame a wild horse immediately or in a short span of time. Anything you try fixing in a hurry or saying "I'm right, you're wrong" will make your spouse more unmanageable and insecure. Your partner is already defensive cause of the overspending nature. He may not understand as well as you do how money works, and that ignorance can make him feel threatened. For many money means power and freedom and your plans to cut back on him would make him frustrated and trapped. Cutting back immediately and being frugal would panic your partner and he may spend more than you had ever imagined. In fact, people with different spending attitudes tend to "polarize" when they become a couple, says therapist Olivia Mellan, author of "Overcoming Overspending: A Winning Plan for Spenders and Their Partners."