Foreign Travel? Have You Checked These?

2) Security of Valuables at Home –

Securing one’s personal precious items, when going abroad, is a wise decision. As our country has a high theft rate and slow remedial procedures, the ball is in our court to preserve our valuables. So, we ourselves need to be vigilant and safeguard our precious commodities. Keeping jewellery and important documents in a safety vault or locker of a bank is a very wise decision before going abroad. As an uninhabited house is a robber’s paradise, staying away from one’s home for months together is an open invitation to robbers. All Indian banks have this facility to ease our personal and financial worries. So, why worry over trivial matters when one can deposit valuables in a bank and have a carefree trip abroad.

3) Foreign Currency Cards –

Having adequate foreign cash is another area where running short of it can lead to major troubles. All people know that while traveling, carrying a little extra cash than required is always advisable. Carrying a whole load of cash is both troublesome and cumbersome. Apart from the inconvenience of carrying it around, the fear of losing it haunts us too. Foreign Currency Cards are a solution to this problem. These cards are just like the regular debit cards but these are packed with foreign currency. One can have one’s money converted to foreign currency and then transferred to one’s account. This can be done in a bank or over the phone, internet and even through a text message. It is that easy! Maestro, Visa and Master Card provide this service. So, forget your financial woes over carrying cash and worrying about its safety in a foreign land because Foreign Currency Cards rid us of this burden.