7 Outstanding Female Investors

Muriel Siebert

Muriel Siebert did not have any degree from college but yet she was able to obtain a position in finance. Later he made a partner and founded a brokerage firm named Muriel Siebert and Corporation in 1967. She faced lot of difficulties when she wanted to get registered with the New York stock exchange where the men declined to sponsor her application and so she had a problem of obtaining the necessary financing to meet the exchange’s expensive entrance requirements. After lot of hardships she was able to get the first owned membership of NYSE and continues to be the only national woman owned brokerage on the exchange.

She introduced a new concept of discount brokerage and transformed her company. This led to her almost getting expulsed by the Securities and Exchange Commission but she managed to overcome the situation. She also tried to get in the field of politics which is another male dominated field. From 1977 to 1982 she served as the New York State banking Department Superintendent, where she helped gets rid of banking failures in the market. At last she also bid in the U.S. Senate for a Republic seat.