5 Life-Saving Lessons on Investing from a Happy Marriage

Keep Your Expectations Realistic
5 Life-Saving Lessons on Investing from a Happy Marriage
As wonderful as it is to be romantic and see the best in your partner, you need to be able to accept some imperfections in your spouse. For the marriage to last, we need to see beyond personal failings and faults - after all, no one is perfect. Expecting it all to be perfect and effortless creates disappointment (as unrealistic expectations always do). Unrealistic expectations can also play havoc with your investments. The greed to earn more (and fast) money from stocks can lead you to buy dud stocks, thus leading to big losses. Investors during the 2008 crisis must have learnt this from experience. So, have realistic expectations. Don't let hype cloud your perspective. Of course, the temptation to follow the crowd may be great. But you will be better off sticking to a plan based on your personal financial goals and ability to handle risk.