12 Things You Keep at Home, Not in the Bank

3) Passports and Original Birth Certificates

In the current scenario where having a valid and permanent ID proof has become mandatory, keeping passports and original birth certificates at home is a good deal. These documents are required in almost every field, like – in school and college entrance exams, getting a loan, buying a house, getting a PAN card and the like. Running back and forth from the bank can be a hassle if these are needed urgently. So, do keep the originals of passports and birth certificates at home in a safe.

4) Original PAN Cards

PAN (Permanent Account Number) Cards have become an absolute necessity of our lives. They not only act as a valid and legitimate ID proof but also help in filing out IT (Income Tax) returns. Since, PAN cards are the easiest ID proofs to get from government authorities’, having one is an absolute must. Always keep the original PAN card at home in a safe. Carry only a coloured photo-copy of it with you. Losing one can equate to a lengthy and painful wait for a fresh one. So, keep them properly in the first place.