iPod Nanos Recalled Fearing Battery Fire

Friday, 18 November 2011, 01:35 IST   |    1 Comments
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London: Technology giant Apple has launched an emergency worldwide recall of iPod nanos amid fears that their batteries could catch fire, The Sun reported. The company said that in "very rare cases", first-generation iPod nanos could overheat and pose a safety risk. The recall only applies to those music players sold between September 2005 and December 2006. Owners have been asked to stop using them and return them for a free replacement. in 2010, iPod nanos were recalled in Japan after being blamed for six fires which injured four people. "This issue has been traced to a single supplier that produced batteries with a manufacturing defect. While the possibility of an incident is rare, the likelihood increases as the battery ages," Apple said in a statement.
Source: IANS