iPad 3 Prototypes had a 3D Screen: Sources

Bangalore: Apple is expected to roll out iPad 3 in March 2012, nobody knows how it would look like but a source who claims to have a friend at Apple who was reliable about Apple's future products in the past revealed that the company has been experimenting with some 3 D screens. Speaking to Business Insider, the source stated that "The iPad 3 was often called iPad 3D in early prototypes" "Like Nintendo's 3DS, this screen did not require users to wear glasses to see 3D effects." The source said that he speculates that Apple ditched the 3D screen because, "they didn't want it to be a gimmick." Furthermore, he revealed that there is still some talk that 3D will come back at some point - but only when it's "useful". Earlier this fall the technology giant filed a patent for a 3D screen. It is reported that the company tests out all kinds of prototypes for its gadgets, and that it files many patents for technologies that never gets released.