How Builders Cheat New Buyers

By siliconindia   |   Saturday, 24 September 2011, 00:25 IST
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Bangalore: When ever you make a purchase be it a grocery item, clothes or any appliances for your house you examine all the different products existing in the market carefully before making your purchase. Even if the salesman recommend some particular product you overlook his suggestions because the consumer is the king. When we take into account all intricate details while making a small purchase why do we quietly accept the claims made by the buyers? Buying a house is not a daunting task and involves much of your life saving. Even a single negligence from the buyers end can cost a lot. We shouldn't blindfold ourselves to the builders claims. Carpet Area
How Builders Cheat New Buyers
It is also known as the net usable area, the area you use. The area inside the four walls of your home. Ensure that the exact carpet area, not usable carpet area (flower beds, balcony, toilet) is mentioned in agreement.Because on completion of the project what you find is the carpet areas were totally different from those quoted in the agreement signed with the builder.

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