Hospital, A Safe Haven to Jailed Politicians?

By siliconindia   |   Monday, 24 October 2011, 23:17 IST
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Bangalore: Our jails are increasingly getting filled with powerful and mighty, caught red handed in the corruption storm that has lashed the country this year. With our politicians caught napping in many scandals, there is only one place for them: Prison. However, of recent, our netas have found themselves a safe haven. The last few months have seen a jail-hospital syndrome in our politicians. Whosoever was arrested was sent elsewhere. Hospitals have become the latest refuge for our netas. While there is no denying that some of them were indeed sick, people have begun to wonder why they fall ill only when arrested. These politicians gave some reason or the other and got themselves hospitalized. The latest in the queue is former Karnataka Chief Minister B.S. Yeddyurappa who hopped from one hospital to another before ending up in jail.

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