Young Indians Practice Unsafe Pre-Marital Sex

By siliconindia   |   Monday, 30 January 2012, 15:09 IST   |    16 Comments
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Bangalore: Only seven percent of young Indian women who have pre-marital sex ever use a condom, revealed a recent survey by India's Population Council. It was seen that for guys the figure was higher, and just one in four ever used protection with a girlfriend. The researchers say this was due to lack of knowledge, embarrassment and trouble getting hold of condoms.

The study also revealed that women would opt for condoms only when things would get steamy with a steady romantic partner, while with a boyfriend there was time to plan ahead. Yet it was seen that with casual partners, girls were more likely to have risky sex. It was seen that casual hook-ups was often done for an exchange for cash and gifts, or sometimes even forced. Hence, in these circumstances, the women didn’t feel confident enough to talk about using condoms.

On the other hand it was seen that men tend to trust the girls they are romantically involved with and aren't afraid of getting a disease from them. But with casual partners, they're more aware of picking up an infection.

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