Xbox 720: Six Times more Powerful than Current Xbox

Bangalore: Rumors about the next generations Xbox is catching fire all over internet. Rumors has named this yet to come high performing gaming device as Xbox 720 which is supposed to be six times faster than the present Xbox and will also have a copy right protection technology which prevents user from playing used games.

 Xbox 720 is said to have the next-generation processors and graphics chips from IBM and ATI. Its might be using a new 32-nanometer PowerPC chip called Oban, designed and produced  by IBM and Global Foundries, and an ATI "Southern Islands" GPU. Reports states that this updated console will have a modified AMD Radeon 7000 series GPU, but according to IGN, “console will not be using the 7000 series GPU, but instead a modified 6000 series part, specifically the Radeon HD 6670 which offers support for DirectX 11, multiple displays, 3D graphics and 1080p HD output. This chip would make the next-generation console six times more powerful that the current Xbox 360.”

 The high performing graphic chip integrated in this console will be responsible to give six-fold gain in graphics performance and it will be the first time that gamers will experience true 1080p gaming performance, 3D viewing and DirectX11. The console is also said to feature a Blu-Ray disc player and an updated version of the Kinect motion control system.

Confirmed details about this console are very scarce, but rumors say that you will not be seeing this device till the last quarter of this year and maybe even not until 2014.  Company has not commented on any of the reports, but according to IGN, the chip maker AMD has said that Xbox GPU will be a further 20 percent more powerful than the upcoming Wii U.