Would You Like to Taste the World's Oldest Cake?

By siliconindia   |   Friday, 23 December 2011, 23:24 IST
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Would You Like to Taste the World's Oldest Cake?
Bangalore: Christmas is all about gifts, Christmas trees, carols and cakes. But would you like to taste a cake that's 100 years old? Minnesota, a U.S. state located in the Midwestern United States, hosted a birthday celebration of a 100 year old cake. Around 120 people attended the birthday bash. Pierre Girard, the cake owner, giggled, "Usually, you throw a birthday party and bring a cake, but this party was for the cake," as quoted by ABCNews.com. The cake was a silent gift from a friend, who was a retailer antique dealer back in 1994. Girad said, "They wrapped it up and gave it to me and I brought it home from that dinner and put it on my dining room table. When I put Christmas things away, I just couldn't put it away." After taking a closer look at the cake box Girad was amazed as the box said, "Xmas cake baked in Dec. 1911? from the Rose Garden Florist in Detroit. On the bottom, it said, Xmas cake baked in year 1911 by my mother's brother Alex, died Dec. 27, was operated on Xmas Day." Lot of research made him believe that the cake was an English-inspired Victorian cake. He added, "They used to have a Christmas cake that they would eat and then let it dry out and put it away until the following year when they would soak it in brandy or rum and rebuild the cake adding back on to the layers." It is supposed that after a death in the family, they used to re-build the cake yearly and they opted to preserve it. Girad feels that soaking the cake in alcohol is what preserved the cake and its aroma. "You can smell a spice smell to it. It doesn't smell bad," Girard said. "It's hard as a rock, with a cinnamon clove type smell."

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