Worst Passwords of 2011

By siliconindia   |   Tuesday, 22 November 2011, 22:31 IST
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Bangalore: From the moment people started using passwords, it did not take long to realize how many people picked the very same passwords over and over. In fact, people are so predictable that most hackers make use common passwords. To give you some insight into how predictable humans are the following is a list of the 10 worst passwords. If you see your password on this list, please change it immediately. Keep in mind that every password listed here has been used by at least hundreds if not thousands of other people. There are some interesting passwords on this list that show how people try to be clever, but even human cleverness is predictable. 1. Password
Many people use easy password because it is difficult to remember passwords included with characters, numbers, capitalized letters and symbols. If you are using the word password as your password than it's time to change your password. Expert says, people don't have time to think for a secure password and starts using the password which they see regularly and use them. For example using of word password as password is most common these days.

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