Windows Phone 'Tango' Will Support 120 Languages

Bangalore: Microsoft’s next version of Windows Phone, codenamed ‘Tango’ will support 120 languages. This unbelievable fact about Tango OS was reveled at Windows Phone Developer’s Camp in Hyderabad, India.

It seems that, with Tango operating system Microsoft is expanding the Windows Phone platform’s support internationally and is focusing to bring Windows Phones to as many markets as possible including the developing countries like India and China.

The current version of Windows Phone 7.5 Mango supports 35 languages. The other mobile operating systems like iOS platform support only 34 languages and Android supports 55 languages. Along with 120 languages Tango will also have dedicated Skype and Google+ app.

If the Tango will support 120 languages, than it will be a really tough task for mobile manufacturers to provide enough memory to support all the languages. Right now Nokia Lumia, a Windows Phone based smartphone is leading the mobile market and expected to beat Apple’s sales soon. Nokia might be the first one to come up with Windows Phone Tango based smartphone.