Will Gossiping at Workplace Cost your Job?

By siliconindia   |   Monday, 25 July 2011, 23:48 IST   |    12 Comments
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Have you ever gossip about your colleague or boss at your workplace? Or have you ever been a victim of gossiping? Most of us have been involved in gossiping in some point of our lives and many of us think gossiping as the biggest stress buster in workplace. For many people its fun to discuss about their lives as well as people around them. Though it's prohibited to gossip in the workplace, but ironically workplace is the main center of gossiping. It's a favorite past time for many people. But none of us have ever thought that it may hurt others feelings. However, the worst part is we may lose our job because of unhealthy gossiping. The intensity of gossiping differs and it may have different affects on workplace.
Though gossiping always make a negative mark in our mind, but there are also pros and cons of gossiping. Through gossiping, one can release the frustration in workplace. It helps to burst out your tensions, moreover it can help you to know your colleagues better and you will be aware of your surroundings. Gossiping varies and depends on different persons how they take it and handle it according to the situation. But the unhealthy gossiping can affect the office atmosphere and personal gossip can ruin your career as it's a highly wrong way of communication which can cost even your job.

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