Wierdest Resume Mistakes

By siliconindia   |   Thursday, 01 September 2011, 01:47 IST   |    3 Comments
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Bangalore: In the crowded job market, it's not easy grabbing the attention of the employers. Your resume is like a mirror to your personality; it can either help you outshine your competitors, or you can find yourself in an unnoticed pile. So, before going for an unusual resume, make sure you don?t end up making the same mistakes as mentioned below. 1.Candidate insisted that the company pay him for an interview with the company because his time was valuable
Fifty percent of the employers spend only half a minute on every job application. Though people seeking job go to a great extent to stand out of the crowd, it's not beneficial all the time. 2.Candidate used first name only
Format error in your resume can toss your career, in spite of your past experiences.

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