Why Women in India Dipping Out of Workforce?

By siliconindia   |   Friday, 14 October 2011, 00:20 IST   |    3 Comments
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Bangalore: Modern Indian woman take up study, then take up jobs and live an equal life like that of a man. Or does that equality really exist in our culture? Looking through the superficial level, women today are at par with their male counterparts. But if we give a closer look it is actually a different case.
The woman at junior and middle level workforce is still at a better position, but a radical dropout from workplace has come into notice as they move high up the ladder.Therefore it raises an important question, that despite India's swift economic growth, why woman are opting out of the workforce? A latest study has highlighted this disturbing development in the Indian labour market. The "Gender Diversity Benchmark for Asia 2011" by Community Business surveyed 21 large multinational companies in six countries in Asia namely China, Hong Kong, India, Japan, Malaysia and Singapore; to observe how women are doing at junior, middle and senior levels of management.

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