Why Women Are Less Happy At Workplace?

By siliconindia   |   Thursday, 13 October 2011, 21:39 IST   |    6 Comments
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Bangalore:It is said that women have the capacity to handle any difficult situation.But for a woman it is very difficult to handle both her personal and professional life equally, as she has lots of responsibilities to handle.
At the present day, most of the women prefer to go out and search for a new career and create their own identity than just sitting at home and depending on men.Moreover it is very difficult for a single person to run his or her family because of the price hike.So it is a necessary for both of them to work.But we can also see that most of the women don't go out and work for their passion but they work as it is a necessity for them. From a recent survey conducted on 673 workers on the Work-Life Balance by the Captivate Office Pulse,it has revealed that,when it comes to work-life balance it is the men who enjoy more in their work place than women.

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