Why We Celebrate Diwali

By siliconindia   |   Monday, 24 October 2011, 23:25 IST
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Bangalore: Diwali the 'Festival of lights' is one of the biggest and grand festivals of India. The word Diwali means 'row of lamps'. It is one of the main festivals that falls under Hinduism. It's celebrated to commemorate the victory of good over the evil, light over darkness and knowledge over ignorance. The reason of celebration differs from region to region in India. The festival falls between mid- October and mid-November. During the period of time, everyone worship goddess Lakshmi and also many traditional activities are performed during the five day celebration. 1. Birth of Lakshmi
Birth of Lakshmi
It is said that the occasion of Diwali is actually the birth anniversary of Goddess Lakshmi. As per Legends, the Goddess of wealth, Lakshmi was re-incarnated on the new moon night of the Kartik month. This is why Diwali is celebrated to mark the importance of this day and seek the blessings of Goddess of prosperity 2. Return of Pandavas
The great epic Mahabharata says, it was Kartik Amavashya when the Pandavas returned from 12 years of exile to Virata kingdom as a result from banishment by Kauravas at the game of dice. The Pandavas were welcomed by the people by lighting earthen lamps. Since then Diwali is celebrated to mark the return of Pandava brothers after a long rigorous exile.

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