Why Anna Hazare is Wrong?

By siliconindia   |   Saturday, 20 August 2011, 00:38 IST   |    64 Comments
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Bangalore: The anti-corruption crusader's popularity has gone beyond the boundaries, the world media is extensively covering him today and Anna could even inspire a Pakistani to follow his footsteps. Anna Hazare, who went to the extent of calling his movement the 'second freedom struggle' is pulling the crowd and the support for his noble cause is soaring in a fast rhythm. However, there are many who disagree with Anna Hazare and they feel that Anna is proposing a miracle cure that is technically impractical.
Anna is proposing a miracle cure that is technically impractical
Yes there is a public outcry and people are increasingly becoming restless about the amount of corruption that is exposed and those yet to be opened to the public. However, the proposed Jan Lokpal Bill is not regarded as the ultimate solution for this problem as they argue that it would make the complex government system even more complicated and complexity eventually leads to corruption.

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