Why Americans Hate California?

Bangalore: Hawaii ranked first on a popularity contest while shockingly California ranked last. A Public Policy Polling survey conducted recently ranked the 50 U.S. states by popularity among voters throughout the country. It surveyed 1,200 American voters.

Hawaii had the highest margin with 54 percent favorability and only 10 percent negativity. It was followed in the top ten by Colorado, Tennessee, South Dakota, Virginia, Montana, Alaska, Oregon, North Carolina and Pennsylvania with a favorability of 44, 48, 42, 45, 39, 46, 43, 40 and 40 percent respectively. Ten other states were in positive territory by at least 21 points.

Unfavorable votes in Colorado was 9, Tennessee (14), South Dakota (8), Virginia (13), Montana (7), Alaska (17), Oregon (14), and North Carolina and Pennsylvania (11 each).  Only seven other states had net-positive ratings in the single digits, and Louisiana had a neutral voting with 24 percent of both favorable and unfavorable votes.

The survey suggested that Americans generally had a favorable view of most states.  Only five states were in negative territory, led by California with 27 percent Americans saying they viewed the Golden State favorably and 44 percent unfavorably. The other four unfavorable states were Illinois, New Jersey, Mississippi and Utah with 29, 32, 28, and 27 percent unfavorable votes each.