What's in a Name?

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Fremont: "What's in a name?" once Shakespeare said. But, in today's world name holds the identity of a person. And when it is about the company, the name holds a much deeper connection in terms of building a strategic and more deeper relationship with its customers. The name should be able to convey the essence of the company, should be easy enough to be remembered and understand. Many globally renowned companies did a change in their name to make it more presentable and effective. We bring to you ten such companies. Xerox Corporation
The Name Change Game of Big Corporates
Founded by Rochester in 1906, Xerox was originally known as The Haloid PhotographicCompany and used to produce photography paper. In 1947, it began to develop a photocopying machine based on a technique known as xerography, the basis for Xeroxing. It subsequently changed its name to Haloid Xerox in 1958. Much to everyone's surprise, the Xerox 914 copier machine became so popular that "Xerox" brand became more known to people than the initial name Haloid. As a result, the company was renamed Xerox Corporation in 1961.

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