What is Common Between Mark Zuckerberg and Rahul Gandhi?

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Santa Clara: Mark Zuckerberg and Rahul Gandhi are among such youths who have created a niche for themselves in their respective fraternity. They are idol in their respective fields, but have many things in common to share. Let us know more about these features common between the two. Harvard University Undergraduates
What is Common Between Mark Zuckerberg and Rahul Gandhi?
Do you know that Mark and Rahul are both Harvard University undergraduates? In 1991, after Rajiv Gandhi, father of Rahul Gandhi was assassinated by LTTE during an election rally, Rahul shifted to Rollins College due to security concerns. Whereas Mark is a Harvard dropout. He still has the option to return to his alma mater to finish his degree as he is considered to be on leave from the University.

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