What Type Of Personality Are You?

By siliconindia   |   Wednesday, 14 September 2011, 22:08 IST   |    2 Comments
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Bangalore: Workplace is the collection of different types of employees with different perspective and approaches to the work. All employees carry different personalities and they exhibit different traits, patterns and habits. Some employees are toxic , some are lethargic and some have annoying habits. However, some are very hard working and helpful too. But if you can match your personality type with the work environment you can surely attain success and job satisfaction. Here are the lists of different types of employees, Investigative
This type of employees prefers working with more information, thinking, organizing, and understanding. They are analytical, curious, and independent. They love the facts and can priorities well. At the same time, there are employees who love to poke into their co workers personal life and they want to know each and everything what's going in to the office.

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