What Men Can Learn From Women On Strategic Planning

By siliconindia   |   Monday, 29 August 2011, 15:13 IST   |    6 Comments
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Strategic planning is not an easy task as it requires different thinking process. It needs to be a creative process with new ideas. Many people are not well suited for this type of decision making. Strategic planning is one of principal responsibilities of upper-level management. The strategic planning is the formal consideration of an organization's future course. There are different ways of approaches in the process of strategic planning. Women and men also have different concept and approach towards the whole procedure of strategic planning. Jenn Houser, author, mentioned in her article about a conversation between her and a male entrepreneur and she explained why she feels that men should plan like a woman. Here are the tips to for strategic planning that men can learn from women Make a game plan before you start out
For every business you should have proper plan and inculcate the habit of pen it down. But make sure that you are not making a document which no one wants to read. Keep it short and simple and make a complete plan of your future business. It's very important to build a roadmap outlining where your business is going to go in the next three to five years.

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