What Do You Work For, Money or Passion?

By siliconindia   |   Wednesday, 30 November 2011, 00:00 IST   |    16 Comments
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Bangalore: This question is a classic dilemma that many of the workers are facing at present. Work is not just the work that many people refer to it, but it is something that is fun and interesting and also exciting when we love that job. It’s not just a “job” but it’s a passion.

Working hard but still not able to find passion in it and start making money out of it doesn’t make much sense. It is much harder to be successful if you aren’t doing something you love because success takes time and commitment to the work we do and that can be easier for you only if you are happy and engaged in your work.

Darren Rowse, a Professional Blogger told that there are plenty of people in this world who make good money even when they do not enjoy the job that they are doing. Many people who are financially successful hate to do the job they are doing.

But John Wesley, founder and writer at PicktheBrain.com, is against Darren Rowse’s thought. John told that, it will make perfect sense when you can achieve the financial success when you are at what you do. The key of financial success is being absolutely great at what you do.

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