What Anna Hazare means to Corporate India

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Fremont: Anna Hazare, the 74-year Gandhian came to light for his fight against corruption. His indefinite hunger strike created a furore in India and abroad, forcing the government to give into his demands (though the fight still continues due to the mismatch of the ideas between the two parties). The social activist has his own blog, and has joined the Facebook and Twitter to spread his ideologies across the world, and reinforce that the cause he is fighting is for the good of the nation. Hazare has been in news for bringing the issue of governance to the common man’s notice. So what can he probably teach the corporate India?

Standing out Against Odds

stand out, anna hazare, gandhi, non violence, india, jan lokpal bill, anti corruptionAnna Hazare stood tried to break through the governmental policies by using non-violent means. His changes for winning were bleak, but the strong issues that he raised, caught the attention of the people and the media alike, causing a social upsurge. He has a strong core team of a retired cop, Kiran Bedi; an eminent lawyer Prashant Bhushan; and social activist Arvind Kejriwal; which supported his cause and stood with him when the media was criticizing his authoritarian views on justice. Companies give up easily when they see protests from their customers or their employees; what they forget is that the strength lies with the core team, who should come together to face any opposition. If they could rise up to their present stature, it is because of the values put in by their core team. Thus, they should not get the chills when an odd scenario pops up; rather face it with all their might, and if their motives and values are strong, they would taste success.

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