What All Indians Watched in 2011

By siliconindia   |   Wednesday, 25 January 2012, 01:17 IST   |    1 Comments
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what all indians watch in 2011
Bangalore: A sudden drift was witnessed in regard to the television viewers in India as they drifted towards others shows even if soaps maintained their stronghold. The audience in 2011 spent most of their times watching music channels, English entertainment and health and lifestyle shows. Though the proportion of these shows compared to overall TV viewing remains small, but these three genres registered the sharpest rise in national viewing time. TAM Media Research shows the roundup of the viewing trends for 2011. Channels like Discovery, Animal Planet and Marathi general entertainment channels (GEC) were the biggest gainers of the year. While the South Indian language channels and Hindi GECs faced the biggest drop. Though private Fm radios are popular and portable, the growth of musuc channels took everyone by surprise. It has grown from about 1.8 percent of all TV viewing in 2006 to over 3 percent in 2011. There could be certain reasons for the shift in TV viewing trends. Growing popularity of digital homes can be stated as one of reasons. India now owns 42 million digital TV homes, which means 30 per cent of its 142 million TV homes. These homes have viewers tilted towards English entertainment, sports, films and all the genres that have shown growth, going by both TAM data and by other studies done by advertisers.

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