Weirdest Guinness Book Records

By siliconindia   |   Saturday, 19 November 2011, 00:02 IST   |    1 Comments
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Linda Wolfe
Bangalore: Bizarre incidents always fascinate people. Shows telecasting all deformed people and other strange human phenomena always freak out the viewers. With the fast growing craze for such things, people started to exhibit their own desires and satisfy the public demand. Records are made and broken almost every day, but some weird records keep always stay fresh in mind. Listed below are a few weirdest records in the world according to Guinness. 1. Married 23 Times-Linda Wolfe Being married for 23 times, Linda Wolfe of Anderson, Indiana, is titled as the world's most married person. Linda is 70. First married at the age of 16, she feels too lonely and would love to walk down the aisle again. She has said that she is "addicted to the romance" of getting married.

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