Uproar in Parliament Over Price Rise

Friday, 25 November 2011, 01:00 IST   |    1 Comments
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Uproar in Parliament Over Price Rise

NEW DELHI: The issues of price rise and Telangana created turmoil in Parliament for the third day on Thursday as agitated opposition members raised slogans, staged a sit-in in the well and walked out, leading to two adjournments of both Houses.

As soon as the Lok Sabha and the Rajya Sabha assembled for the day, members of BSP, RJD and BJD and those from Congress belonging to Telangana region, along with TRS, started raising slogans to press for their varied demands, forcing their adjournment till noon.

Similar scenes were witnessed when the Houses reassembled, forcing the second adjournment till 2 PM.

On behalf of the government, minister of state for parliamentary affairs V Narayanasamy said in the Rajya Sabha, "We are ready for a short-duration discussion (on price rise). We can start the discussion even now."

When the Lok Sabha reassembled at noon, TRS members - K Chandrashekhar Rao and Vijayashanti - came into the well and staged a sit-in to demand a separate Telangana.

They were vociferously supported by Congress members from the region who carried placards and raised slogans from the aisles. They sought introduction of the bill for creation of the separate state to be carved out of Andhra Pradesh.

BSP and RJD members also shouted slogans demanding debate on price rise under rules which entail voting, while members of the BJD wanted 'special category status' to flood-ravaged Odisha. BSP members staged a walkout later.

In the melee, Speaker Meira Kumar announced that as per the rules, the adjournment motions on "unprecedented rise in prices of essential commodities" moved by SP and other parties could not be accepted. However, a special discussion on the same issue under Rule 193, which does not entail voting, would be taken up at 2pm, she said.

Source: PTI