U.S. Keen to Remove Barriers in Educational Co-Op With India

Thursday, 13 October 2011, 21:49 IST   |    1 Comments
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WASHINGTON: Terming as "challenging" the process for U.S. universities to partner with Indian institutes, a senior Obama administration official has said America wants "to do everything" to remove barriers and help its educational institutes create centers of learning in India. "The process for our schools to partner with Indian counterparts or to create new institutions of learning in India remains challenging. That is one of the reasons we organized the Summit. We want to do everything we can to lift the barriers to greater cooperation between our educational institutions and help these ties flourish," Deputy Secretary of State William Burns said here. Addressing a gathering of academicians and business leaders at an U.S.-India Business Council event, Burns said the flourishing economic and diplomatic ties between the two countries notwithstanding, level of cooperation in education remains much to be desired. "For all the benefits - for our people, for our economies, for our diplomacy - it remains a long and sometimes arduous journey from India to study in America. Our education system is full of thousands of excellent schools. But it is also decentralized and not always easy to understand from the outside," he said. Burns lamented that the number of American students studying in India is also far too few. He said at a time when India aims to modernize its economy and America is looking to grow its exports as a source of economic renewal, educational exchanges would help both the countries to move forward.
Source: PTI