U.S. Based Walmart, Morgan Stanley Lobby Hard to Enter India

By siliconindia   |   Thursday, 20 October 2011, 00:50 IST   |    4 Comments
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Bangalore: India, the world's second fastest growing economy released various segments for foreign investments ever since 1991 but unfortunately they are still stern about regulation of investment in segments like retail, defense, Health and education. The situations are being altered slowly as the political conflicts still persist in Indian society that creates confusion regarding the liberalization of foreign ownership rules. U.S. top corporate giants like wal-mart, Starbucks, Morgan Stanley and many other have been making serious efforts to enter the Indian market. Unfortunately, they are lobbying hard to enter India because of the nation's rigid foreign investment rules.
The companies are lobbying with the U.S. government range from smoothing the market access to slackening the foreign investment rules in India to expand their business in Indian market. Other MNCs like Intel, Dow Chemical, Pfizer, AT&T, Alcatel-Lucent, Boeing, Raytheon and Lockheed martin are requesting support from the U.S. government for promoting their Indian business interest. There are many smaller U.S. companies looking for support from the U.S. lawmakers to assist them to expand their business in India. The companies have spent huge amounts on their lobbying activities on numerous issues that are related to the Indian business market. Lobbying being a legal activity in U.S. However the companies are required to notify the U.S. senate about their lobbying activities every quarterly by submitting a report about the issues, the government department assisting them and the expenses incurred. India based companies like reliance industries and Indian government have also been lobbying in the U.S. for several years to showcase their petition with the American lawmakers.

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