Turn Office Politics to Your Advantage

By siliconindia   |   Tuesday, 15 November 2011, 00:02 IST   |    30 Comments
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Bangalore: Office Politics is not a new concept for any of us. But what was known to be a negative aspect of a workplace can sometimes turn out to be the advantages at times. Office politics is not always bad but extremes of it make it bad. It's often seen as the provenance of slick and self-promoting operators seeking a fast track to the top, says Kathleen Kelley Reardon writer and professor of management at the University of Southern California's Marshall School of Business.
Office Politics
We usually think that office politics is a dirty means of getting ahead of someone at a workplace. Usually in a company, the management and occupational employees are more likely to be engaged in office politics. Many of us don't know of the fact that workplace politics can be as constructive as it is destructive. There are no good and bad about office politics. It exists in every company no matter how big or how small an organization is.

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