Top Five Inspiring Women

By siliconindia   |   Thursday, 28 July 2011, 00:33 IST   |    9 Comments
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Gone are the days when women are known only for house holds works, taking care of their husband and children. Today they do not stick to some stereotype careers as they have moved away to different fields giving tough competition to their male counterparts. With the changing time, women have also changed their mindset and they have covered almost every field and made their mark felt. Moreover their achievements have set a milestone for other aspiring women. Here are few women who can be a great inspiration for us Nirupama Rao
Nirupama Rao is the Foreign Secretary of India. On August 2011, she will become the Ambassador of India to the United States of America. She became the second woman to hold the post of Indian Foreign Secretary, the head of Indian Foreign Service.

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