Top 5 ways to retain your valuable female employees

By siliconindia   |   Tuesday, 21 June 2011, 21:59 IST   |    4 Comments
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Today women have acquired a multidimensional character in this multifaceted society. The whole economy of a country is affected in the ways they participate in it. Studies indicate that companies with significant numbers of women in management have a much higher return on investment. Hence it becomes necessary to retain these potential and valuable employees in your company to boost productivity in the long run. Here some of the tips that you can follow in order to retain your priceless female employees. 1. Introduce family-friendly policies
Women are the only species in the world that has the capabilities of doing the balancing act between a mother, wife and perfect employees. However most of them face great difficulty in carrying the both responsibility together at the same time due to rigid company policies. This calls for some sort of family friendly policies in the organization. Surveys have revealed that female employees were unhappy at organizations that did not promote family-friendly policies and this also negatively affected their work-life balance. Furthermore, nearly every mother thought that having children was an obstacle to advancing in their chosen career and the majority thought that having kids made them less employable. Family-friendly policies can improve employee morale as well as its productivity level.

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