Top 5 Essential Leadership Lessons For Women

By siliconindia   |   Wednesday, 16 November 2011, 01:26 IST   |    12 Comments
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Bangalore: Women executives in corporate sector have come together for some collective thinking on the opportunities for their achievement to leadership and top-management positions. For a woman to be a successful leader in this fast growing, talent driven and global benchmarking corporate economy, she must be very skillful and responsible enough to handle that high position. As in most fields, there are few female voices in the corporate or any other sectors. So, what can be done to increase the women power in all the sectors? Here is a list of top leadership lessons for women which can help all the budding women leaders in all the sectors:
Develop the passion to win
Develop the passion to win To become an effective women leader in this corporate as well as any other sector in this male dominated world, women must develop a passion for winning. Passion is a much used word in business. Luke Gaffney, Vice President, Sales, U.S. Corporate Market says that if a person don't develop passion he can't win. He also told that passion is almost like an extra gear that is always available to kick in when it is needed. So maintaining the passion to win is very essential. We win because of our passion for serving our customers and our employees. When we serve both customers and employees successfully winning is an inevitable result.

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