Top 10 Websites That Changed Our Lives

By siliconindia   |   Thursday, 13 October 2011, 23:53 IST   |    5 Comments
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Bangalore: With the development of technology, internet was accessible to worldwide users and many websites emerged in for various purposes. Today technology plays a vital role and is a part and parcel of everyone's life who indulges themselves in its creation of enormous websites. There are millions of websites that are used by people, but only few are familiar in the minds of commoners which have made a large impact through their new features when compared to others. Here are few websites that changed everyday life of people. Google
Google is the website that is present over many years on the screen by allowing users to search for information, watch videos, blogging and other services efficiently provided by it. So, when it comes to Internet the first word that strikes our mind is Google. It has such a huge impact on every Internet user. Google has invaded virtually every aspect of the Internet. Most people use at least one Google product or service on a regular basis personally. Whether it's Google maps, Blogger blog, a Picasa photo album, a Google search, or even a YouTube video.

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