Top 10 Out-of-Print Books

By siliconindia   |   Saturday, 26 November 2011, 01:04 IST
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Bangalore: Thousands of books on politics, mysteries, biography, education and books on investigation are published every year. Many books are published with limited editions and sold within a span of years.

The vast majority fall out-of-print within a few years of being published. However, the Internet and the second-hand booksellers have ensured these out-of-print books can be found and purchased in seconds. But there certain books that cannot be found in these sources as well. These books may be out-of-print but they still have plenty of readers.

Here are top 10 out-of-print books.

1. The Principal of Knitting

The principal of knitting is a definitive book on knitting techniques, with valuable information for everyone from beginners to experienced knitters. June Hiatt presents not only a thorough, thoughtful approach to the craft, but also a passion for carrying on the art of knitting to future generations. She has repeatedly tested the various techniques and presents those with clear, easy-to-follow instructions as well as an explanation of what each one can contribute to your knitting.

Informed by decades of experience and thousands of hours of practice, this comprehensive resource offers a variety of ways to approach every skill and technique and offers solutions that can help solve the most challenging aspects of any knitting project.

The Principles of Knitting has been totally rewritten new instructions, new illustrations, and new information. While the basics of knitting have not changed much, June's understanding of the material has deepened over the last twenty-five years, and she's eager to share what she has learned with the knitting world.

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