Top 10 Most Awaited Games of 2012

By siliconindia   |   Thursday, 17 November 2011, 00:49 IST   |    1 Comments
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Bangalore: 2012 is shaping up to be another incredible year in gaming, maybe even better than 2011. It is coming with many exciting games. Some of the games are eagerly awaited by game lovers. Every year new games are released and there is no end to the reign of gaming. With so many games to release in 2012 it is hard to make a list of most awaited games. Here are the top 10 most awaited games of 2012. 1. Final Fantasy XIII-2
Final Fantasy XIII-2 is a console role-playing video game developed and published by Square Enix for the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. It is being produced by Square Enix's 1st Production Department. It is a direct follow-up to the 2009 role playing game Final Fantasy XIII and set for release in January 2012. As in the earlier version, the game will use a variation of the Active Time Battle system and the Paradigm Shift system. The game allows the player to control the difficulty of battles. During battles, players will be put through quick time events called Cinematic Action which will allow them to deal higher damage to foes and gain the upper hand in certain battles. The player can tame monsters and use them as members in battles. This also leads to a new Feral Link feature being in the game, as the player attacks an enemy while a tamed monster is in their party, the Feral Link bar fills up and when it is full the player can make their current tamed monster do a special attack on the enemy via a quick time event.

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