Top 10 Best XBox 360 Games of 2011

By siliconindia   |   Tuesday, 27 September 2011, 00:20 IST   |    1 Comments
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Bangalore; Are you a game freak? Are you the kind of a person who ditches girl friend and sits with gaming console? Are you very curious to know new updates of XBox then this story is exclusively for you.
The XBox Game system has been an increasingly popular system. Xbox is attracting millions of users in hundreds of countries. Hundreds of new games are created for the XBox as it holds a record for being a strong gaming console. If you are having your own Xbox console then you can enjoy variety of different graphically enhanced games. Here are the Top 10 Best XBox 360 Games of 2011 1. Bioshock
BioShock is the game that has been at the top of the game charts. It creates an amazing world that you want to explore and a compelling mystery that slowly comes together as you play. It is one of those games that combines all the other fascinating games and combines into one with the most powerful graphics and game play. The graphics alone provide you with the experience of a life time. There are interesting features like playing features, movements, fights, shootings, scenes and missions.

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