Tips to Stay Sniffle Free

By siliconindia   |   Thursday, 20 October 2011, 20:06 IST
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Bangalore: Winter is all set to launch with a package of coughing, sniffing and sneezing. Winter is an ideal time to get all unwanted diseases like cold, flu and viral fever. You will easily get infectious if your body is weak and virus will easily get affected to a weakened body. The whole thing you can do is to keep your immune system strong enough to stay sniffle free all winter. You can keep your immune system buzzing by taking some simple natural precautions to avoid germs. Here are some simple ways to stay sniffle free all winter. Take Flu Shot
Tips to Stay Sniffle Free
Flu vaccine is your best bet to avoid getting influenza. Flu vaccine will protect you from affecting flu. It will not provide you an overall protection but still worth getting. Flu vaccine mainly protects you against three influenza viruses that are most common during the upcoming season. It will take up to two weeks for the antibodies to develop the immunity after a flu shot. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recently recommend every one 6 months and older should get influenza vaccine. So it is better for you to get the vaccine done at the earliest and stop spreading flu virus!

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