Tips to Build Wealth in a Depressed Economy

By siliconindia   |   Monday, 26 December 2011, 19:50 IST
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Bangalore: You would have noticed how your finances suffer, if you were the one who have been laid off, or you are just trying to build a new career for yourself. The economic depression stands like a brick wall for your financial confidence is low. Despite the fact that the stock market crash depression era meant loss of fortunes and income for many, there are some individuals and businesses that make money during the Great Depression. Let's take a look at a few ways to build wealth during the economic downturn. Invest in Areas Where No One else Is When you making an investment decision, do it based on your own research and evaluation of the company you plan to invest in. Because you know best what kind of returns you are expecting. It is very easy to lose your hard earned money by following the crowd when the market falls. When driven by the fear factor, people consider investing in gold, and other assets. You never want to chase an investment when it is trading close to its all-time high valuation. Investors looking for a nice return should turn their attention to the assets that investors are avoiding. These investments are long-term holds that could reap serious rewards for risk-taking investors. Build Another Income Stream The level of unemployment has sky rocketed. This shouldn't deter the spirit of making more money as an investor. You should look for opportunities to continue that flow of income. Look for job offers that are related to your skills and interests. A part-time job can also add a little income. You can do freelance writing or design work for other companies and bring in extra money each month. If you have sufficient funds then you may consider starting your own business. Invest in Real Estate One sector that is booming is the real estate. Investors with the capital should consider getting in these markets now, as they are much cheaper than they were just a few years ago. During a bad economy, this can be the best time to implement your wealth-building strategy. First-time investors should find a real-estate agent experienced in investment property deals that can help you locate promising properties.