The Wealthy Gods of India: Who Owns the Riches?

By siliconindia   |   Friday, 23 September 2011, 23:53 IST   |    77 Comments
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Bangalore: In a poor country with wealthy gods, Indians are puzzled over the religious connotations and social obligations of the fabulous treasure troves found in their gods' abodes. If it's all about pleasing the gods, then the only question is how - Should we keep the wealth with the Gods untouched or should we take them to their subjects who need it? The 'unholy debate' is gaining its momentum as the masses are highly divided on religious holiness and social holiness.
Treasure at Temple
The recent talks began when a treasure trove estimated to be worth more than 1 lakh crore was unearthed in the Sree Padmanabhaswamy Temple in Kerala, making this house of god the richest temple in the country. The inventory of the treasure which has so far been maintained by the erstwhile royal family of Travancore, is being made by a seven-member Supreme Court-appointed panel. The six vaults labeled as A-F that contain the large junk of gold, coins etc where opened by the panel except the B vault. The Supreme Court in its latest verdict said the vault B will remain shut until the documentation process are over and adequate security cover is provided for the treasure.

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