The Rising Culture of Social Cribbing

By siliconindia   |   Thursday, 24 November 2011, 01:11 IST   |    1 Comments
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Bangalore: Do you feel frustrated when your complaints are paid no heed? Wondering whom to complain when your air condition stops working on a hot afternoon? Well, here is the easiest way, let social media do it for you now. You can share your views, thoughts ideas and even crib on any issue and get it shared in a matter of time.
The Rising Culture of Social Cribbing
Today sharing your views on social networking blogs and sites like Facebook and Twitter can create a great hush around as you will come across many similar messages in response. You can now make the most of these sites even when it comes to showing off your frustration. The feedback implications by customers for a brand are seen to be changed rapidly. The companies that were aloof regarding this are now waking up to the needs of the customers and taking up several new systems for quicker response. According to a survey done by TNS Digital Life, 63 percent of the total population in India comments on any product online, out of which 32 percent of the users write comments to share their thoughts, 45 percent seek for help through these comments, merely 12 percent of users praise the brand online and 11 percent posts complains. All the product categories you can think about today have a great deal of online chatter, even everyday household goods. Products used on daily basis like food, drink and toiletries, ignite tons of conversation online. This shows the importance of these products in our lives both online and offline. Comments posted online are more of learning and sharing of the product, rather than praising or complaining regarding the product or brand. But with changing trends, the social networking circle is influencing a lot of people as people trust what is said online, whether it comes through a friend or a stranger.

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