The Must Read Leaderships Books for Entrepreneurs

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Fremont: "A good book on your shelf is a friend that turns its back on you and remains a friend", quotes an unknown author. What is your intake from it depends upon you. Few books enhance your skills, and the below mentioned books are surly on a verge to raise your leadership skills. The Art of the Start by Guy Kawasaki
The Must Read Leaderships Books for Entrepreneurs
The Art of the Start by Guy Kawasaki is a weapon for mass construction. Guy tries to provide the definite guide for those who are starting anything. The book encompasses the experience of Guy as an evangelist, entrepreneur and as a Venture Capitalist. He tries to explain the concerned factors for starting up as an entrepreneur, like giving a meaning to your startup, the art of positioning, pitching, writing a business plan, raising capital, bootstrapping, the art of recruiting, partnering, branding, rainmaking and being a mensch. These are some of the issues covered by the author in the book, which surely every startup, and even the beginners, would like to know.

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