The Most Suicidal Jobs

By siliconindia   |   Thursday, 20 October 2011, 23:48 IST
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Bangalore: There are many jobs in this world where we can find pleasure in it and we put lot of interest in doing that job. Many jobs help us to find the correct way of our life and it helps us to explore many new things around the world. But at times we even feel that our job is making us insecure and at that time we work hard to retain it.
Real Estate Sellers
There are many people in this world who takes their job very seriously.At that point of time, when ever they feel the threat of loosing their job, instead of working hard to retain their job they will take wrong ways like going to depression then at the end committing suicide. But there are very less people who go to such a big extent of committing suicide just because their job is under threat. They take such a big step only when they are literally scared of facing any sort of a problem because of their unsecured job. Here are few such jobs where you are more likely to commit suicide, according to the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health [NIOSH] survey: Real Estate Sellers: Real estate sellers take the step of committing suicide because of many kinds of real estate fraud which usually happen during the times when the price of real estate is on the increase. According to that survey, real estate sellers are 1.38 times more likely to commit suicide than average. NIOSH recorded 460 suicides. This category included real estate sales occupations.

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