The Man Behind Rahul Gandhi

By siliconindia   |   Thursday, 23 February 2012, 00:45 IST   |    24 Comments
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The Man Behind Rahul Gandhi
Bangalore: 'Behind every successful man is a woman'. But in certain cases, behind successful men are other men. If you do not have any clue as to who is working hard for Rahul Gandhi UP campaign, then read on. Kanishka Singh, a 34-old young man is the man behind Rahul's campaigns in UP a success. He is his chief strategist for the UP polls. Prior to this Kanishka has worked with Sheila Dixit in the run-up to Delhi's assembly elections in 2003. A great hush-hush was created with his column, "Why Sonia is Like John Kerry" in outlook magazine, as it argued polls in India and the U.S. Today if someone claims to be familiar to the Grand Old Party, they know Singh too. Call him a close adviser, confidant, guide or gatekeeper to Rahul Gandhi, if meeting Gandhi is what you looking up for, then there is no better way to ask Kanishka for an appointment. Holding a MBA degree from Wharton School, Kaniska is busy overlooking the folks who run spread sheets and numbers at Rahul's Tughlak lane home-office. A Congressman familiar to both Gandhi and Singh said, "Rahul doesn't want woolly, gut-feel political hunches. He wants numbers, percentages, and Kanishka gets the data and analyses it for him. Both are analytical, it's a good fit," as reported by The Economic Times. Kanishka and his team are burning their sweat out months before the dates for polls in Uttar Pradesh were announced by the Election Commission. Singh these days is working hard on plotting strategies and sifting through the possible names for the candidates. Singh said, "Once we know our rivals' moves, we can plan ours better. It's simple game theory."

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