The Forgotten Games of India

By siliconindia   |   Saturday, 21 January 2012, 01:51 IST   |    2 Comments
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Bangalore: Gen Y's time is now spent couched in front of TV, play stations, Xbox, social networking with their classmates and zero physical activity involved. Running back from school and joining friends to play a game of lagori or  winning the most number of goti’s from other street kids is what our parents are often caught ranting about, and how the present generation is not as lucky as they were back in school.

So listed below are some of the games we played as kids and our kids will just read about in books if the games are not revived in the right sense (Apps on your smart phones with same names will hardly serve any purpose)

Lagori: Two teams, seven stones, a ball and target of hawks eye are the elements to success in this game which can leave the two teams in tears when played with full spirit.


Kancha(Goti):  Rounded green glass balls(also called Kancha) aimed with the right trajectory at another goti can split it into two. This game famous in country side has kids winning and displaying their ostentatious collection to the other street kids.



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