The Evolution of Product Promotion

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Fremont: From door-to-door selling to QR codes, product promotion has seen the daylight in various forms, some still in trend, so setting the trends. A vital part of any business, the promotional tools have evolved over the years to become more sophisticated, and wide in terms of their reach. Personal Selling
The Evolution of Product Promotion
Personal selling or direst selling is the oldest form of promotions, with "Peddling" originating as early as the 16th century. Peddlers usually travelled on foot, carrying their products on a cart or wagon, and operate from door-to-door. The refined version being sales through a one-on-one demonstration and sale of products. The consumers benefit as they get full-fledged information about the products, get a demo, and a home delivery. According to the Direct Selling News, the largest direct selling companies are Avon, Amway, Natura, Vorwerk, and Herbalife.

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