'The Devil's Double' hits Indian screens Aug 12

Friday, 22 July 2011, 23:35 IST
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Mumbai: After creating a buzz at the Berlin, Sundance and Cannes film festivals, director Lee Tamahori's "The Devil's Double", about a soldier forced to play the body double of late Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein's son, is now set to hit the screens in India Aug 12. The film, which stars starring Demonic Cooper, will be brought to Indian audiences by Rakesh Jain of JRD Films. "I was really keen on getting this film to India. Mel Gibson has bought the rights of the film to release it in the UK and Australia. The kind of response the film has got at all the festivals is tremendous. I am so glad that fans who have been waiting to see this masterpiece will not have to wait for too long now," Jain said in a statement. The "Devil's Double" is based on the true story of Latif Yahia, an Iraqi soldier who was forced to become the body double of Uday Hussein. The film is releasing July 29 in US and August 12 in rest of the world, including India and Pakistan. In India, it will be released in four languages - English, Hindi, Tamil and Telugu
Source: IANS